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My sister is crazy Sassy!!!! She's the older sis, I love her, I always have.









We have been best friends since we met, we used to have sleep overs to each other's room all the time when we were growing up, and loved hanging out together, but we took different directions in life.... which took us to different continents.


She is a Doctor! She saves lives for a living, how amazing is that! She has lived in 4 different countries, has 2 pretty awesome kids, is an intensive care specialist and lives in Spain.


I am hustler, a sales bug, who embraced the business world, and escalated the corporate ladder, BORING!! I live in Australia with my hubby and dog (Chops) which I ADORE!


My sister and I are still as close as we have ever been and this brand is the representation of sooooo many things we love! Cooking being one of them. 



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